Cahnges in Class O!

There have been changes in school this week. Class 3 have changed their class name to Class O.
It’s taking some getting used to! (Miss Robertson)
I didn’t really like it in the beginning but now I like it. (Geordie)
What a short week! This week in school there have been four days. This means some of our days have changed.
On Monday: I really enjoyed having Miss McDonald in helping me with my work. (Geordie)
I was shocked arriving at school on Monday morning, the car park was really weird. We have a new turning zone for our taxi’s, it’s so much better! (Callum)
On Tuesday: I liked Miss Robertson being the P.E teacher (Geordie)
On Wednesday: There was a Valentines Disco at night. I really enjoyed dancing and seeing all the Valentines gifts that the boys and girls had brought. (Mrs O’neill)
I loved the Valentines Disco!!! (Callum)
On Thursday: We had Josh’s birthday party because his birthday is over the holidays. I liked playing Just Dance on the Wii. (Geordie)
We had Golden Time, this was very good the Toys from Home room was very busy. It is always popular! (Josh)
Everyone is looking forward to the holiday weekend.  Happy Holidays!

One thought on “Cahnges in Class O!”

  1. Hi Class O
    It sounds like you had a really lovely week. I enjoyed my time in class O on Monday Geordie, I’m glad you did too.
    Callum, I had great fun at the disco with you and the other boys and girls. I hope we go to the next one.
    I hope you had a lovely birthday, Josh.

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