Our week in p7b


Today is UNICEF Day for Change 2015:

Finlay: “UNICEF stands for the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund and they help children who’ve been affected by war or natural disasters.”

Kendal: “We learned about Typhoon Haiyan which hit the country of the Phillipines which is near China.”

Ellie: “A typhoon is caused by really strong winds and this can also cause a giant wave.”

Callum: “It destroyed houses and it took the roofs off of buildings and blew people off their feet. The winds reached 195mph!”

William: “To help, UNICEF have built homes and shelters and have helped them get clean water and food.”

Olivia: “They have also spoken to children who have been affected and gave them a chance to talk about things like losing their family.”

Kyra: “Also they sent over medicines and doctors and nurses to help treat the ill people.”

This week we had some buddy time with our P1 buddies:

Jay: “We helped our buddies create pirate masks and we also made hooks from tin foil.”

Finlay: “My buddy enjoyed it because he enjoys colouring in and he coloured it in his own unique style.”

Adam: “My buddy thought it was fun and I enjoyed it too because I saw the smile on his face.”

Harry: “My buddy and I and Josh enjoyed the task and Josh really enjoyed making the tin foil hook while Bryce enjoyed colouring in the mask.”

Who has impressed?

Kendal: “Class 1, 2 and 3 impressed me by performing their assembly in front of a big audience. I thought it was really good and they got up and spoke their parts confidently.”

Callum: “Declan has impressed me because he is always nice to everybody and makes them smile.”

Finlay: “Declan impressed me by beating his best ever score on Big Maths. Well done to everybody else who beat their score too.”

Adam: “Mr Berginis has impressed me because of the way he taught us about perspective in art this week.”

Jay: “I’m impressed by my table this week and we did much better this week and won (half) Table of the Week.”

Finlay: “My table has impressed me by winning table of the week.”

Mr Berginis: “I was impressed this week by how well everyone worked with their p1 buddy and also by how well everyone sat at assembly.”


One thought on “Our week in p7b”

  1. Hi Primary 7b,

    You’ve had another very busy week in school with lots of learning taking place. UNICEF really have made a huge difference to children’s lives in countries where there is war and it’s great that you have been learning about the work they do to ensure that children have their right to be safe from harm. Great work with your buddies again this week.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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