p4m W/B 26.1.15

P4m have enjoyed lots of different things this week!

Katya: ” My favourite thing this week was learning my 10 times table”

Gabriel: ” I liked creating my own safe internet profile”

Jamie: “I made my own youtube account at home so now I can upload videos onto it!”

Paige and Stacey: “We enjoyed re-enacting the Broons comic strip in drama”

Mrs Ghafoor’s class were learning their 8 times tables and enjoyed using ‘Jazz hands’ to practice it.

We also had lots of fun playing new games in maths to help us learn our 2,5 and 10 times tables!

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One thought on “p4m W/B 26.1.15”

  1. Hi Primary 4m,

    You’ve had a very interesting week with lots of learning happening. The Jazz hands maths sounds like a great way to learn the 8 times table. I’m glad you enjoyed acting out your Broons comic strips.

    Have a good week.

    Miss Henderson

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