P4m 19.1.15

We have had another great week in P4m.Continuing on with our Scottish topic we learned the Scottish dance ‘Strip the Willow’ on Monday and presented our power points about famous Scottish people on Tuesday. We enjoyed our NYCOS workshop on Tuesday as well. We had a real treat on Wednesday with Mrs Jamieson. She brought in lots of different Scottish food for us to taste! The oatcakes with haggis, neeps and tatties disappeared very quickly!

We have been practicing our drama skills this week too.  We explored how to do freeze frames and spotlighting and are looking forward to using these skills next week when we act our our ‘Broons’ comic strip! Well done to the poetry competition winner- Katya! Some of the pictures show groups enjoying maths games and practicing emotional/improvisational freeze frames during drama. 100_1065 100_1068 100_1069

Have a lovely weekend 🙂

One thought on “P4m 19.1.15”

  1. Hi Primary 4m,

    It sounds like you’ve had right gud time this week learning about all things Scottish. The haggis, neeps and tatties on oatcakes sound delicious. I would love to see your Broons drama sketches. If I’m about could you come and tell me you are doing these and I’ll come and see some of your work?

    Have a lovely weekend and enjoy your haggis on Burns Day on Sunday:)

    Miss Henderson

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