Nativity Party in P1W

This week we wrote our invitations for our Nativity Party. Miss Wilson made a template where we had to include:
-WHO we were inviting
-WHERE it is going to be held
-WHEN it will be and what time
-WHAT you are invited to

Everybody made their own invitation and we are going to send them home really soon!
Our Nativity Party will be:
-WHERE -> at Balbardie Primary School
-WHEN -> Tuesday 9th December or Wednesday 10th December
*A letter will be sent out nearer the time*

Here are some of our Nativity Party invitations:

Pupil of the week:
Aaron Tennant for working well with a partner to produce an excellent Venn diagram 🙂 Well done!

One thought on “Nativity Party in P1W”

  1. Hi Primary 1w,

    WOW! Your Nativity Party invitations are fantastic and I’m very impressed with your writing. I’m sure there will be lots of mums and dads and family members at the performances to join in your Christmas celebrations.

    Congratulations, Aaron on being Pupil of the Week.

    Have a lovely weekend, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

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