
This week we have been working particularly hard in maths and our class topic.

 In maths we have been learning to identify lines of symmetry. We were tracing different shapes and then we folded them in half to see if they were symmetrical. Some of us found this a bit tricky but we all agreed it was a fun way to learn about symmetry.

We have started our new topic A Slice of Scotland and before we focus on specific parts of Scotland and how the landscape was formed we are learning about our place in the world. Here are some facts we have learned –

Jamie – the world has seven continents

Aidan – I have learned the names of the seven continents they are North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica and Australia.

Aaron – I have learned the difference between Great Britain and the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland.

Meadow – I learned that the continent I live on is Europe.

David – I have learned the three countries that make up Great Britain are Wales, Scotland and England.

We are now going to learn about West Lothian and how the landscape of Scotland was formed.

Haver a great weekend!

4 thoughts on “P5d”

  1. Hi Primary 5d,

    I really like the sound of your new topic, A Slice of Scotland. You’ve learned some really interesting facts about Scotland and it’s place in the world and I’m sure you’ll learn lots more during the topic. I’m looking forward to reading all about your learning as the term goes on. Keep up the good work, everyone.

    MIss Henderson

  2. Mrs Drummond, just wondering if there is a specific dress code for the class assembly this Friday? I understand it’s also pj (children in need) day.
    Thanks Lorna

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