
This week we have been learning all about Bonfire night. We listened to the story of Guy Fawkes and we know that we set off fireworks and have bonfires every year on the 5th November to remember the gunpowder plot. We were learning to retell the story of the gunpowder plot and were learning how to write in the format of a newspaper article. We had to come up with a headline for our newspaper. We thought of some key words about the story to get people’s attention. We wrote some fantastic newspaper articles about the story and included all the main facts.

We have also been learning about how to stay safe around fireworks and bonfires. We came up with a list of rules to follow when near fireworks and used these rules to design firework safety posters.

In art this week we have been learning how to use line and colour effectively. We create wonderful bonfire pictures using crepe paper and created fireworks using chalk.

We hope you had a great bonfire night and were very safe!

See you next week!


Table of the Week: X-ray Vision Superheroes

Class Dojo: Ellis

One thought on “P3e”

  1. Hi Primary 3e,

    Your work on Bonfire Night sounds like great fun. I would love to read some of your newspaper articles. Maybe some of you could come and share these with me. I’m pleased that you were learning to stay safe on Bonfire Night and that you have made firework safety posters. I hope you all enjoyed seeing and hearing all of the fireworks.

    Miss Henderson

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