
This week we completed some activities related to bonfire night. For story writing, we wrote a senses poem to describe bonfire night. We used our senses and adjectives to describe things we might see, hear, smell, taste and feel.

Here is Aidan’s:

I see fireworks sparkling,
I hear fireworks exploding,
I smell giant pretzels,
I taste a yummy dominos,
I feel excited!

We also read information about firework safety and took notes of the important points. With Mrs Collings we made impressive posters about firework safety.

Have fun and stay safe this weekend,

Miss Bollen and P3b

One thought on “P3b”

  1. Hi Primary 3b,

    I hope you all had fun on Bonfire Night and remembered all of the safety rules for staying safe. Your poems sound fantastic. Well done, Aidan – you used the senses really well to make your poem interesting. Maybe you could come up and share some of your poems with me during the week.

    Keep up the good work, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

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