P3 Litter Pick

As part of our community topic we created a campaign to help improve Bathgate. We decided we wanted to try and encourage people to take their car less to help the environment. As part of this we also want to encourage people to keep the environment clean and tidy. We had an idea to tidy our playground by completing a litter pick after lunch time. We were reminded of the right we have to a safe and clean environment. We collected a lot of litter and we hope we have encouraged other people to pick up their litter in the playground and put it in the bin. Mrs White was so impressed she awarded us all ten house points for our hard work.

Here are some photos:

One thought on “P3 Litter Pick”

  1. Hi Primary 3e,

    Well done, on being very Eco friendly and giving the playground a good tidy up. We’ll need to remind everyone in the school how important it is to always put their litter in the bin. Thank you for being such a good help in the school community.

    Miss Henderson

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