Our week in p7b

Flyn – I enjoyed learning about World War 1 because there were a lot of interesting facts which I didn’t already know. I’ve also been researching some things at home.

Kai – I enjoyed learning about World War 1 as well because I knew things about WW2 but not WW1.

Lauren U – I enjoyed writing our spooky stories that we did this week. I found it really fun because I enjoy writing stories.

Chloe – I enjoyed my spooky story because I found it quite challenging to find a way of making it spooky.

Paul – I enjoyed the Halloween team challenges we did for Halloween, some were quite hard.

Lauren C – I enjoyed to the spooky story called The Man With The Yellow Face because it painted a really good picture in my head.

Kieran – I enjoyed assembly today because it was funny seeing Mr Jeffries dressed as Mr Welsh and Mr Welsh dressed as Mr Jeffries.

Lauren K – I enjoyed starting our own personal projects about WW2 because I get to choose what I want to learn about.

Who has impressed?

Flyn – Jay impressed me because he got the MVP award for P.E. and I was very proud of him.

Lauren U – Lauren C impressed me by winning the drama pupil of the month.

Callum – Lauren U impressed me by getting pupil of the week for always trying her best and being proud of her work.

Harry – Mr Berginis has impressed me by the way he taught us about all the things from WW1 and made them really clear.

Antonia – Olivia has impressed me this week because she got her best ever score on Big Maths Beat That.

Lauren C – Callum has impressed me by breaking his habit of swinging on his chair.

Kieran – I’m impressed with Mrs Innes because she has always been there for me when I need her and I just want to say thank you.

Emily – I’m impressed with Mrs Innes and Mrs Haddifon because their costumes are very cool and they’ve put a lot of effort in to them.

Mr Berginis – I was really impressed this week with all the different spooky ideas that the class came up with for their scary stories and I enjoyed reading them.

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