
P6s have been really busy this week developing our understanding of Space. We have started to use our note taking skills to gather research for our fact files which are really taking shape! In Writing we were working on using connectives to extend our sentences and wrote diary entries pretending we were on a mission to the moon. In Art we created space themed wax resist pictures which are looking fabulous!

This week we have started collecting golden tickets in class, Drama and in PE. We receive these for working super hard and trying our best. By the end of the week we even had our first prize box winner!

We are all looking forward to a lovely long weekend and another busy week next week.

One thought on “p6s”

  1. Hi Primary 6s,

    You’ve had a very busy week in school. Great that you are practising your note taking for your fact files. Golden tickets sound like a great way to get into the prize box.

    Have a lovely, long weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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