
We have had a great week in P3 as we have a new classmate. Dadirayi has joined our class this week and is already making lots of new friends!

This week we started our new topic all about the community of Bathgate. We began by looking at our home community. We discussed the different jobs in the house and who helped out by doing these jobs.We talked about families and all the efferent kinds of family you can have. We drew a picture of our family. We had to think about the size of all the different people in our family so that we were not as tall as our parents! We also painted pictured of our houses as we are going to create a scene of our community. We were also writing about our families and were focusing on using capital letters and full stops. Dadirayi and James worked really hard on their story and went to show Miss Henderson their work!

We have also been learning more about 2D shapes this week. We learned 3 new shapes this week. We learned about a pentagon which we think looks like a house. We know that this shape has 5 sides. We learned about a hexagon which has 6 sides and an octagon which has 8 sides. We think of an octopus to help us remember that shape! We worked with a partner to create these shapes using art straws.

We have been working in groups a lot of this week and we had to discuss what you should do when working in a group. We reflected on this in our review jotters today. We know that when working in a group we should listen to everyone and respect their ideas. We should also be sensible and take part to the fullest. We are going to keep working on our group work skills because, as Grace said, ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’.

We did not have time for our awards today but will we find out our Class Dojo and Table of the Week winners on Monday.

See you next week!

One thought on “P3e”

  1. Hi Primary 3e,

    WOW! What a very busy week you have had in school. Well done to everyone on making your new classmate feel very welcome. I am very proud of you all for doing such a great job. Sorry I missed James and Dadirayi with their work. I’ll come and see you next week so you can share your learning with me. I’m very excited about seeing your work.

    Great work on learning to work in teams. I agree that together everyone achieves more.

    Have a lovely weekend, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

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