P3b’s Learning Log

This week we continued to explore the story of the Rainbow Fish. We learned more about the character of the rainbow fish through hot seating. This is when someone takes on the role of a character and people ask him/her questions. We asked very good questions such as, ‘how did you feel when you were alone?’ We then discussed how the rainbow fish changed from the beginning of the story to the end and recorded adjetives to describe him.

For story writing, we learned more about bullet points. We learned that we sometimes use bullet points when writing a list. We then used bullet points to writw a list of instructions on how to look after a pet fish.

We also revised quarter to and quarter past times on an analogue clock. Next week we are going to make our own clocks for our class display.

Bye for now,

Miss Bollen and P3b

2 thoughts on “P3b’s Learning Log”

  1. Hi Primary 3b,

    Your hot seating activity sounds like good fun and I’m pleased to hear that you were able to ask good questions to learn more. Great work on bullet points. I use them all of the time so it’s a great skill to learn. Keep up the good work, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

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