Class 3 – Fitness Fortnight, Week 2

During the second week of Fitness Fortnight Class 3 tried lots of different activities.

On Monday we had wrestling, Tuesday was the obstacle course and on Wednesday we had the skipathon.

Callum – The obstacle course was really fun,  it was good that we had the ropes out. When I first went on the ropes I didn’t know what to do so Miss Robertson helped me. I sat on the knot and I swung across to the other side. Wrestling was really fun.  I had to get my partner down by pulling their arms. It was a bit tricky.

Cary – Wrestling was fun at PE. My favourite part of the wrestling time is when you had to snatch the ball out of the other person’s hand when you were rolling about. It was great with Callum who was my partner! The obstacle course was a nice activity too. I finally got to swing on the rope. There was also a tunnel, a running and jumping course and a high jump.

Geordie – The best bits of the obstacle course were the rope swing and running and jumping mountains. The tunnel was the hardest part. I didn’t really liked the skipathon. There was a lot of skipping and I am not so good at it. Mum sponsored me £5 for trying. I really liked the wrestling, it was me versus Aiden. It was a good match, it was a tie. It was very funny! The aim of ball wrestling is to get the ball. It was easy because I am so strong!

Liam – I was crawling through the tunnel. It was dark in the tunnel. I was happy, it was fun :).

Our views on Commonwealth Health and Fitness Fortnight

Callum – It was awesome, cool and great. My highlight was the obstacle course. It was awesome!

Cary – It was fairly good but not perfect. My perfect fitness fortnight would have wrestling everyday!

Geordie – I give wrestling 5 stars out of 5!

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