Class 3 – Commonwealth Fitness Fortnight, Week 1

We began our Fitness Fortnight activities last Monday with a Class 1, 2 and 3 Silver Circle. We all had three activities to do – PE with Mr Jeffries, making fruit salad and finding out about the Commonwealth games on the Smartboard.

Callum – At PE there was a running game, a javelin game and a long jump one. My favourite bit was the running one. We had to go all the way round the track. We had to remember not to go inside the markers. This was tricky and very hard for some people. Then we made fruit salads in class 3. I made an apple one. It had apple juice in it and apples.

On Tuesday we had gymnastics.

Josh – I liked doing the sausage roll. You keep your body tight together and then you roll.

Geordie – Gymnastics was great. I was walking along the balance beam. It was very hard and scary.

Cary –There was a bouncy thing there to run and jump on.

Wednesday was Sports day.

Josh – My favourite race was potato and spoon. It wasn’t an egg and spoon race.

Cary – It was fun when I did the big lap. I like running!

Geordie – Sports day was good. I was so close to winning but my bean bag fell off my head and that was annoying!

The award ceremony at the end of the day was good because we got medals and stickers.

On Thursday afternoon we went swimming as usual, then on Friday there was a funfair to say goodbye to Mrs Waddell. We all agreed that this was the best day of the whole week!

Callum – It was really amazing. I liked everything, the ice-cream even had sprinkles on it!

Josh – I loved it. I liked the bouncy castle best!

Cary – It was really fun. I wish I had more tokens but even so it was a really nice thing.

Nathan It was fun. I liked the bouncy castle best.

Geordie – It was awesome. I enjoyed the ice-cream. The death slide was really high. It was dark but not scary. The music was awesome. I was dancing until the end.

We all wish Mrs Waddell a very happy retirement 🙂

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