Wow!! What a week we have had in P2g! We are just back from an amazing time at our Mini FunFair to mark Mrs Waddell’s retirement. Thank you to everyone who arranged and organised it, it was definately a class highlight!

Here are some comments:

It was the best ever!! James
The amazingest thing!! Ben
Mr Welsh and Miss Henderson are the best for doing this! Emma
This is the best school ever! Evan
I loved my shot on the bouncy castle! Mrs Haddifon
I loved it when Mrs Haddifon got soaked at Soak The Teacher! Baillie

We have also been busy with our Health and Fitness Fortnight and have had our Sport’s Day, where Ava Campbell and James Jackson won medals. A big 2g congratulations to them!
We went to Gymnastics, had football coaching and played Kurling in the TA Hall. And then we learned about how much sugar is in different foods. Did you know there is more sugar in a packet of Skittles than in a whole Happy Meal with a Cola?
And after all that we even found time to enjoy the sunshine and chalk our spelling words in the playground! Oh and we had our Shared Start where we made yearbooks to record our memories of being in our busy Primary 2 class!!

We have also been decorating our class and corridor to celebrate our flower girls, so a huge thank you to Mrs Knotman for her help.
We are off to have a rest this weekend, ready for next week when we are making smoothies, doing T’ai Chi, and hopefully getting to take our Cress home.

2 thoughts on “P2G”

  1. Hi Primary 2g,

    I’m so pleased that you had such a great time at the fun fair today. I was a little bit wet after you all soaked me at ‘Soak the Teacher’!! I think Mrs Waddell was very surprised and had a great time too:)

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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