P3W Health and Fitness fortnight Week 1

Day 1
Today was our first day of Health and Fitness fortnight and it was lots of fun.
This morning we went outside in the front playground and we did dribbling with a ball and we also did dribbling in a race – Eva
We played some games when we were doing football. We played banana tig, toilet tig and ‘here, there, anywhere, nowhere’ – Caitlin
We had partners that we had to follow with the ball – Brooklyn
When we were playing ‘follow the leader’ we had to pass the ball and part of the game we had to touch the ball with our foreheads and they got dirty – Cole

Funky Fitness:
We did a dance and we had to learn lots of different moves and it was really fun – Sophie
We went to the hall and learned a new dance move called ‘the body ripple’. We can show you this at home – Tom
At the end there were people being the audience and the other people performing. Then we swapped. We were being a quality audience – Ty
When we went to the hall to do a dance, it was called ‘street dance’. My favourite part was learning the beginning – Eva
I liked it because it was similar to the street dance I already do and I also liked that some of the moves were exactly the same – Rory
I liked it when we were performing in front of others – Liam

Day 2:
Today was our second day of health and fitness fortnight. Mrs Wilson took us to the TA hall to learn more about kurling.
Kurling is when you have a stone and you slide it along the floor and you try to get it into the target. It is fun – Sophie
Sometimes adults play kurling and they get a stone to roll it along the ice – Caitlin
On one of my shots, my stone was almost in the middle – Liam
You don’t actually use a real stone. You use a plastic one that slides – Rowan
I enjoyed shooting the stones across the floor to try and get them into the target. I kept missing it – Eva
I enjoyed when we threw the stone and I almost got it into the middle as well – Ty
When it was my turn I just about got it into the target – Cole

Day 3:
Sports Day:
Today was our Sports Day in Balbardie Park. Primary 1, 2 and 3 went over together and the boys raced the boys and girls raced the girls.
I won 2nd place in the overall competition – Megan
I came 3rd place in the tattie and spoon race and I got a sticker – Cole
The races we did were the tattie and spoon race, the running race, bean bag race and a lap run – Eva
I came 1st in the tattie and spoon race and I also won 1st place in the overall competition – Lucie
I came 5th two times in the races – Sam
I won a big medal and I won gold for the sprinting race – Sophie

Day 4:
There was a beam that you had to balance on and it was scary because you had to walk backwards – Sophie
At gymnastics we did crocodile kicks, three rolls and we jumped over two yellow pads – Samantha
At gymnastics we were having lots of fun and we had to do crocodile kicks and go through a tunnel – Alanna
We had to jump over bean bags on a little beam – Jennie
When we started jumping over the bean bags we had to do a forward roll. Then we went through a tunnel and we ran and jumped and touched the mat – Eva

Day 5:
Fun fair:
We had a fun fair in the front playground to celebrate Mrs Waddell’s retirement and the success she’s had in the school – Lennox
It was really fun and there was some ice cream, a bouncy castle and there was a bouncy castle slide too! It was fun with the hook and the boats too – Ross
I went on the slide and I couldn’t get back up because I couldn’t find the step – Brooklyn
When I went up the slide I thought I was going to fall off because the steps were slidey and quite steep – Jennie
I went up the slide and there was a traffic jam and I fell down backwards and was on my back – Rowan
I got a tattoo and it’s like a bird in roses – Abbie
I went on the slide and I thought I was going to do a forward roll because I was leaning forward – Sophie
When I came off the slide I jumped up because I thought it was hard ground and I scuffed my heel – Megan

4 thoughts on “P3W Health and Fitness fortnight Week 1”

  1. Hi Primary 3w,

    What a great start you had to Commonwealth Health and Fitness Fortnight. The street dancing sounds like lots of fun and your pictures are great. I’m looking forward to hearing more about the fun activities you have been taking part in.

    Tomorrow will be a very exciting day!

    Miss Henderson

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