P3W’s visit to Leyden Farm

As part of our farming topic, both Primary 3 classes took a trip to Leyden farm to learn more about farming. One class went into the forest and the other P3 class went to the farm with the farmer.

In the forest…
we went to find some pine cones and we found some that had been nibbled on by squirrels – Eva
we all looked at different types of trees and what we can use them for. For example, paper, bedding and nappies – Caitlin
we found some holly leaves that can be used when camping as a mattress because it is springy – Megan
we were looking at a rowan tree and we talked about it keeping witches away – Rowan
we learned how to whistle with a bit of grass – Cole
we found out that in the 2nd world war, moss could be used as a bandage for wounds – Liam

At the farm…
we fed the pig, hens and the cows! – Rhia

we got to see lots of different animals. We got to see Poppy Pig, the hens, the cows, Henry horse, the lamb and Marley the kitten – Eva
we got to see a baby calf with its mother – Alanna
we got to sit on the tractor and the quad bike – Samantha
it was fun when we got to see Henry horse because I didn’t know the horses could lean over the barrier so much – Ty
I enjoyed when we got to sit on the quad bike – Rowan
I enjoyed when the farmer and his daughter were acting like cows – Harvey
I liked it when we went into the cow’s area and we saw a brand new calf – Cole
we learned that we have to wash our hands and our wellies because there could be some diseases on your boots from walking around the farm – Caitlin

3 thoughts on “P3W’s visit to Leyden Farm”

  1. Hi Primary 3w,

    Your trip to Leyden Farm sounds like good fun. I’m glad to hear that you learned lots of new things and enjoyed meeting all of the animals. The little lamb is so cute:)

    Miss Henderson

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