Celebrating Success and a special birthday in class 3!

On Wednesday it was Liam Carr’s birthday.  He turned 12.  We had a special party in class 3.  We had special snacks, a birthday cake and we played the Wii.

Geordie – The party was awesome.  I also liked the Wii because I had 4 shots!  I really like Liam.

Callum – I really enjoyed the cake and the Wii.

Liam – I got a present.  It was Bumblebee.  I liked it.

Josh – I liked it because it was nice.


This week we also learned about electrical dangers in the home.  Here are some of the things we learned.

Callum – Don’t put forks in toasters even if your toast is stuck.  You could get electrocuted.

Geordie – Don’t get electrical things wet.  NEVER take them into the bathroom.

Josh – Don’t trail electrical cables across the floor.  Put them at the side so people won’t trip over them.

Mrs Stewart showed us this super website.  Go here to find out more.


This week we have also been practising our ‘Build Up’ song for Celebrating Success.  Here is a sneaky peak.


We are very excited about Celebrating Success and hope to see lots of our family visitors there.

One thought on “Celebrating Success and a special birthday in class 3!”

  1. Hi Class 3,

    Your party for Liam’s birthday looks fab. I hope you all enjoyed the cake. You’ve been learning some very important safety facts which will help to keep you safe. I’m looking forward to seeing you perform at Celebrating Success.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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