Class 3 Enjoy The Wizard of Oz

This week Geordie and Josh performed in the p6 show, The Wizard of Oz.  Josh was a munchkin and Geordie was the gate keeper to Oz. 

Geordie – It was unbelievable being in the show.  I was really tired after the show.  I did really good and was awesome.  Mum bought me a Lego City toy for working so hard in the show.

Josh – The show was great.  I didn’t like getting the make-up on but it helped me look like a munchkin even though I was too tall. Dad bought me a Bionicle from the internet for doing so well.

On Monday the other boys in class 3 went to Bathgate Academy to watch the dress rehearsal. 

Callum – I loved this play.  I wish I could be in the Wizard of Oz.  Even though I wasn’t in it I loved the show. 

Cary – It was different than I thought.  It was better than I thought it was going to be.  I thought it was going to be exactly like the movie but it was a bit different.  The actors and actresses were good.

Miss Robertson and Mrs Stewart helped Josh and Geordie back stage.

Miss Robertson – I think both boys worked very, very hard and put in a lot of effort.  I was extremely proud at all performances and I can’t wait to help the children next year.

Mrs Stewart – I loved the show.  I thought all of the pupils in p6 did a fantastic job.  I was very proud of Josh and Geordie.

Josh and Geordie would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Innes and Pamela for helping them to prepare for the show 🙂

One thought on “Class 3 Enjoy The Wizard of Oz”

  1. Hi Class 3,

    Congratulations to Josh and Geordie for excellent performances in The Wizard of Oz. You did a fantastic job and I like your beard, Geordie. I’m pleased to hear that all of your classmates enjoyed watching you in the show.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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