Two Weeks in P1b

Last week we had our Nativity performances.  We worked extremely hard to learn our lines, sing our songs and remember our actions etc.  We looked super in our costumes and loved performing for our family and friends.

 Last Thursday, we went to the theatre to watch the panto Alladin.  We thought it was really good and gave it a big thumbs up.  Isabella liked it when the dragon was hiding from Wishy Washy.  Isaac thought it was funny when the Super heros came out and Ailah said it was scary when the baddie appeared!

 This week, in class, we made penguin figures to eat.   We made them with olives, cheese and carrots and used cocktail sticks to hold the peguin in place.  Most of us enjoyed tasting the treats! We also tasted some of the gingerbread house that Jaime-Lee made-it was yummy.

 Yesterday we had our Christmas party.  We played games including; pass the parcel, musical bumps, corners and had a dancing competition.  We enjoyed party food and even had a visit from Santa! 

Have a lovely Christmas,


One thought on “Two Weeks in P1b”

  1. Hi Primary 1b,

    I’m so pleased that you had so much fun in the last two weeks of term. I was very proud of you all for doing so well with your performance of Gifts for the King. It was exciting to see Santa visit your party yesterday and to hear that you were all very excited about Santa visiting your houses next week to deliver presents. Have a lovely Christmas everyone. I hope Santa is good to you all.

    Miss Henderson

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