We made melting snowman biscuits!

We’ve had a busy final week this term in Primary 3W! We are very excited about the Christmas holidays, but we would like to share with you some of the things we have been learning this week!!

Brooklyn – We made a melting snowman biscuit!

Megan – I liked making the melting snowman biscuits this morning. It was fun to make them.

Jennie – First, we washed our hands. Then we each got a digestive biscuit and a paper towel to put it on.

Sophie – Then we poured a bit of icing onto the biscuit and spread it around the biscuit. The last thing we did was then decorate our biscuits with icing writing tubes!

Noah – I really liked making the melting snowman biscuits.

Ross – It was really fun and I put some icing on its head.

Ty – I think it was really fun because I put eyes on the face and stuck on the marshmallow for its head. I can’t wait to eat mine when I get home!

One thought on “We made melting snowman biscuits!”

  1. Hi Primary 3w,

    Your melting snowman biscuits look delicious. Mrs Spence was having her biscuit at break time and she was really enjoying it.

    Have a lovely Christmas, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

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