P2g news

We are delighted that we have 6 pupils in the Golden Club before Christmas. Well done to Robyn, Lucy, Daniel, Sophie, Ava and Kelsey. We hope you enjoy the Golden Club event next week. We also have lots of people on step 3 and 4 so they will hopefully make it to the next Golden Club event.

This week we have been finishing off our Senses topic. We learned about taste and did some taste testing. Most of us didn’t enjoy tasting the lemon juice and the salt water! Mrs Jamieson used food colouring to paint our tongues and we were able to see our taste buds. We liked having green and blue tongues! Mrs Stewart also came in to show us some sign language and we learned to say some words using sign language including hello, please, thank you and goodbye.

Another highlight from this week was Christmas lunch on Wednesday. We enjoyed lunch with our friends and Mrs Gallagher and loved seeing the teachers in their Christmas jumpers.

Unfortunately our visit to the library was cancelled due to the bad weather but we did get a chance to have a sneaky peak at the P1 nativity performance and we thought they did a great job.

Next week we are looking forward to going to see the pantomime on Thursday.

2 thoughts on “P2g news”

  1. Hi Primary 2g,

    Well done to everyone who has gotten into the Golden Club and to those who are on Step 3 and Step 4. Keep up the good work. Your senses work sounds very interesting and it was very kind of Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Stewart to come in and help you with this. I really enjoyed Christmas Lunch and it was nice to see everyone joining together in the dinner hall.

    Miss Henderson

  2. I really enjoyed having my tongue painted with the food colouring so I could see my taste buds. I didn’t like tasting the salt water. I’m also super excited about going to see the pantomime on Thursday and I’m going to tell my Gran all about it because she loves going to see a pantomime at Christmas.

    Baillie Walker.

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