Glitter Galore in P1l

Primary 1l have been getting glittertastic making things for the Christmas Fayre tomorrow.  Pre-orders for the candle holders have been very strong and tomorrow there will also be beautiful christmas tree decorations at 50p each.

In maths this week we have been looking at the number facts of 4, looking at the different ways to make 4.  Everyone is getting the hang of it and next week we will look at the number facts for 5.

We have been up to the hall to practise our Nativity and things are really starting to take shape.  Please remember costumes are to be in for Monday.

Hopefully see you all at the Fayre tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “Glitter Galore in P1l”

  1. Hi Primary 1l,

    The crafts you have made for the Christmas Fayre sound really lovely and I’m sure they will sell out really quickly. Well done on learning you’re number facts to 4. You are doing so well in school which is fantastic.

    I hope to see you at the fayre tomorrow.

    Miss Henderson

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