P3w and P3h had a visitor!

We had a visitor!

Dr. Pugh visited our classes to help us learn more about magnets and forces. We learnt a lot of new things and we also got to take part in lots of fun activities! 

Some of our highlights of the visit were:

  • Sophie – A magnet can lift a frog!
  • Cole – Magnets are stronger than the earth’s gravity!
  • Rory – The visitor was my dad and I learnt that there is a world’s biggest magnet.
  • Ty – A magnet can pull iron filings even through paper!
  • Caitlin – Some metals are attracted by magnets.
  • Ross – If you put a paperclip at the bottom of paper and you have a big magnet, the paperclip will make the paper lift up!
  • Liam – A nail can be turned magnetic by rubbing it against a magnet!
  • Noah – I had lots of fun with Dr. Pugh J 

3 thoughts on “P3w and P3h had a visitor!”

  1. Hi Primary 3h and 3w,

    It was very kind of Dr. Pugh to come into visit you to tell you all about magnets. I didn’t know there was a world’s biggest magnet! It sounds like you had lots of fun having Dr. Pugh visit you and help you with your learning.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Thank you very much for having me. I really enjoyed it. The class were very well behaved and asked lots of great questions!


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