P1b News

On Wednesday we made birthday cards to celebrate the UNCRC’s 24th birthday.  We learned that the UNCRC is an agreement between countries which makes sure children have their rights.  We were reminded about our rights and how lucky we are to have these.

This week we have been enjoying creative dance with Mrs Inness.  We have been learning to skip and gallop to music.  Mrs Inness also read the story ‘The Elf’.   During this we had to listen to the story and complete actions to music.  We are looking forward to more dance next week!

Bye for now,


3 thoughts on “P1b News”

  1. Hi Primary 1b,

    Well done on all working so hard on learning your words and parts for the Nativity. I am really looking forward to your final performance and I’m sure your families will be really excited about coming to see you too. Keep up the good work.

    Miss Henderson

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