Our week:


Jane: “I enjoyed the Choices for Life event because it taught us the dangers of drugs and smoking. The video was called Liam’s Story and in it it taught us that even if other people are smoking you have the right to say no!”

Alexander: “We had Choices for Life live this week. I learned that you shouldn’t take drugs or smoke because it can hurt your body and your lungs can swell up.”


Sophie M: “I enjoyed learning about the Blitz which was when the Nazis came over and dropped lots of bombs on London and other parts of Britain. The bombs kept getting bigger and bigger as the war went on. I liked to see how much damage the bombs did when we watched Blitz Street, one house got totally demolished.”

Louise: “We watched a programme about the Blitz called Blitz Street where they built a street of 1940s houses and set off bombs to recreate the effects of the Blitz. The first and second bombs set off and we saw shrapnel travelling at 7000 miles per hour but the milk bottle survived!”

Emma: “It was scary learning about the houses being blown up in the Blitz because people were being killed with all the bombs.”

Freya: “It was quite surprising that the only thing that survived the bomb experiment in Blitz Street was a glass milk bottle!”


Callum: “We learned that D-Day involved five beaches called Sword, Gold, Omaha, Utah and Juno and happened on 6th June 1944. We found out that Omaha beach was a slaughter because the German defences hadn’t been bombed properly. “

Isla: “I really enjoyed learning about D-Day this week. D-Day was when the Allies sent over 160,000 troops over from Canada, Britain and USA to five different beaches in Normandy, France. I really enjoyed writing the letters as if we were a soldier from D-Day because you had to think about how they would have felt.”

Christopher A: “I also enjoyed writing the D-Day letters as to complete the success criteria we had to put ourselves in the shoes of the soldiers and we also had to pretend we had just survived the worst day of our lives. It was hard to put it into words and try and decribe it so it was a challenge but fun.”

Who has impressed?

Tom: “Josh has impressed me by getting pupil of the week, he has behaved maturely this week. Well done Josh.”

Alistair: “Rabeea impressed me by getting 72 out of 72 in Big Maths Beat That!”

Emma: “Sophie L impressed me with her score on Big Maths Beat That.”

Isla: “Rebecca impressed by getting one of the choir solos.”

Sophie M: “My P1 buddy Charlotte impressed me by getting pupil of the week in P1m.

Callum: “The Troopers impressed me by winning table of the week.”

Louise: “Zenaib impressed me by getting her best ever score in Big Maths Beat That.”

Jane: “I’m proud of everyone who got a duet in the choir and I’m impressed by Christopher A and Isla for getting a dancing part to Rocking Around the Christmas Tree.”

Alistair: “Mr Berginis has impressed me by being such a good teacher so far in p7.”

Eve: “Rebecca impressed me by singing really loud and really well on her audition.”

Mr Berginis: “I was very impressed with all of your D-Day letters as they contained such great emotions and descriptions.”

One thought on “A WEEK OF CHOICES FOR p7b”

  1. What a very varied week of learning you have had this week! It’s lovely to read your recognition of others’ achievements and for such a range of reasons. Keep up the great work P7b!

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