Diwali Celebrations in P1l & P1b

Primary 1b and Primary 1l have been working with Miss Henderson on the Hindu Festival of Diwali which took place a couple of weeks ago.  The children learned about Rama and Sita and the ten headed monster, Ravana who kidnapped Sita, and how the Monkey King, Hanuman saved Sita from the monster and returned her to Rama and this is the reason why Hindu’s celebrate Diwali.  We also made our own Rangoli boxes.  Hindu’s paint rangoli patterns at Diwali to welcome their goddess Lakshmi into their homes as they believe she brings good luck and happiness.  This week Mrs Jamieson helped us to make milk peda (sweets) to put into our boxes and she also made us an Indian Potato Curry to try with naan bread which some of us thought was delicious.  At home time the children were allowed to try out the peda sweets they had made.  Mrs Leamy thought they were really nice.  We would like to say a big thank you to Megan’s gran (P1l) and Isaac and Lauren’s mums (p1b) who very kindly gave up their time to come in and help us with our baking.

Next week we are going to be learning about Thanksgiving celebrations in America.


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