Victory for school football team!

Boghall 4 Balbardie 5

On Wednesday 13th November we played Boghall primary. The squad was Sophie M, Declan, Tom, Fraser, Christopher S, Luke, Ewan, Daniel D, Daniel M and Logan. At the start of the match we went down 2-0 but we still kept our heads up, then Declan scored and made it 2-1. Then we scored our next by Logan scoring and making it 2-2. Daniel D scored from behind the halfway line making it 3-2 to Balbardie. Then after half time Boghall scored again making it 3-3. Logan scored again making it 4-3 and then Boghall equalized again. Balbardie scored making it 5-4 with Logan completing his hat-trick and as a result we won! Match report by Sophie McMillan

Captain’s Comment by Sophie McMillan: “Everyone put 100% effort into it and played really well even though the weather conditions were pouring down with rain and really windy. Well done team.”

Manager’s Comment by Mr Berginis: “I’m very proud of how well you represented the school. You showed resilience and desire to win and you played as a team. Keep it up!”

5 thoughts on “Victory for school football team!”

  1. Congratulations to everyone in the team. I am very impressed with how well you worked together even in the wet weather. Looking forward to reading your next match report.

    Miss Henderson

  2. I am really glad you won and happy to hear you all worked as a team even though the weather was terrible. I have heard from Sophie, team caption, and she is as impressed with the team as I am. It sounds as if you had a great time.

    Great job!

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