P5m’s Rock Monsters

This week we began our enterprise project. We are designing and making Rock Monsters. We have been busy painting stones, designing expressions and creating posters. We have also been researching gemstones to help us choose suitable characteristics for each type of Rock Monster.
We plan to sell our Rock Monsters at the Christmas Fayre on Saturday 30th November. You may want to come along early as we think these precious little creatures will be snapped up quickly!

From the Blog Post Box:

This week I enjoyed…

…painting our rock monsters but at the end I couldn’t get the paint off my hands because it was mixed with glue!
Emma B
…writing because it is fun to write about Nessie. Scott
…drawing the expressions for the rock monsters. Ali
…learning about Loch Ness. Erin H
…maths because I was finding it hard but I finally got it. Katie
…making the Rock Monsters and playing Through the Forest at Outdoor PE. Drew

9 thoughts on “P5m’s Rock Monsters”

  1. Your assembly on Friday was great P5m, we thoroughly enjoyed it. I also look forward to seeng your rock monsters at the Christmas Fayre! Well done!

  2. Thank you Mrs Newell They were great and all worked really hard to learn their words and the poem. I was very proud of them all!

    The Rock Monsters are looking great! I’ll definitely be buying one!

    Mrs McClafferty

  3. Thank you Mrs Newell They were great and all worked really hard to learn their words and the poem. I was very proud of them all!

    The Rock Monsters are looking great! I\’ll definitely be buying one!

    Mrs McClafferty

  4. Hello 5m,

    How much are your rock monsters going to be on sale for? Who do you think they could be a good present for? I’ll have to come and see them in person and pick out one with a good expression as I see from the blog here you have been working on this.

    Mrs Spence

    1. The rock monsters are going to be £1 and they will make a good present for children or adults because they can be good paper weights and they can also be little pets for kids to keep in their bedrooms. 😀

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