
We have had a very busy and fun start to the new term. We have been busy planning what we are going to learn about this term. Our new topic is all about the five senses. We can already name the five senses but we want to find out a little about how they work and what happens if you don’t have some of the senses. We enjoyed using Mr Potato head to match the senses to the correct body parts. We have also decided to turn our role play area into a hospital to help us learn more about the five senses and the body.

We had our Shared Start on Wednesday morning. We were showing parents some of our literacy activities. Some children spent this time in the writing area creating their own scary stories. Rachael, Ellis, Evie and Molly wrote some great stories which we shared during milk and story time. Some stories even used an ellipsis … and BOLD text to make the scary words really stand out.

 This week we have enjoyed taking part in some halloween themed activites. Grace was pleased to be the winner of our ‘design a pumpkin’ competition. She drew a great picture and we put her deisgn on a pumpkin which she took home for halloween. We all really enjoyed dressing up for halloween and had some brilliant costumes on!

One thought on “P2e”

  1. Hi Primary 2e,

    You really have had a very busy start to the new term. I saw your Mr Potato Head when I was in your class during the week and thought it was a great way to help you learn about the five senses. The scary stories sound very interesting and I’m very impressed that some of you used ellipsis….

    Well done. Keep up the good work.

    Miss Henderson

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