Reflecting on term 1 in P7b

Josh: “The thing that I have enjoyed this term is learning about America. I’ve learned that it wasn’t actually Christopher Columbus who discovered the USA and that he was looking for India when he found the continents of North and South America.”

Sophie M: I’ve enjoyed doing PE this term. I enjoyed doing the dodge ball tournament where we are learning about travelling, object control and balance. I also liked doing grammar this term because sometimes I got muddled up with THEIR, THERE and THEY’RE and it has helped me with joining words and punctuation as well.”

Dean: My highlight of this term is getting into the school football team. I felt happy playing in the first match.”

Isla: “I really enjoyed doing drama and our USA topic this term. I really liked the video which looked at how America was formed.”

Tom: “My highlight was getting into the school football team for this term. I also liked learning about the USA and how it was formed.”

Rabeea: “This term I enjoyed doing the Maths Challenge. Before I didn’t do much working so it has helped me to show all my working because I have to show them to get as many points as possible.”

Nicky: “I have liked the topic we have been learning and I liked discovering about Christopher Columbus.”

Freya: “I really liked the Big Starts in the morning because I like the challenge of solving riddles and puzzles. It helps wake me up in the morning too!”

Declan: “I liked doing the Big Maths Beat That because it has helped me get quicker at my maths skills.”

Sophie L: “My best thing was reading the book Undead Pets because it has helped me with my reading skills and doing the different questions has helped me to understand the book.”

Sam: ” My favoutire thing about this term has been playing table toppers. It is a fun game but it also helps you improve your knowledge.”

Callum: “My favourite part was watching the USA video because it showed the first ever town in America which was Jamestown and it showed the first big war which was the War of Independence.”

Abbie: “I enjoyed doing basketball because it is my favourite thing to do and I enjoyed it.”

Taylor: “I enjoyed working with our p1 buddies, showing them around the school and helping them understand what to do at school and what to look forward to.”

One thought on “Reflecting on term 1 in P7b”

  1. Lots and lots of highlights so far P7b. I have been extremely impressed by your behaviour, attitude and work rate in P7. Well done!

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