Our learning:

Rabeea: We did the subtraction accuracy challenge and it has helped us with our accuracy by doublechecking our work. It was fun!

Fraser: I enjoyed doing Destination Judo and Street Dance on Monday because they were fun and I enjoyed getting educated in a fun way.

Callum: I enjoyed playing in the school football match. We did pretty good at the start but Boghall made a very good comeback.

Zenaib: I enjoyed the visit from Jessica’s dad because he told us all about the USA. He told us about a high school in America which got closed for a year because there were loads of fights when 9 black pupils joined the all-white school.

Hannah: I enjoyed the Street Dance because it was fun even though I wasn’t very good at it!

Christopher A: I enjoyed drama this week it was quite surprising to hear who got which part in Cinderella Rockerfella. It was fun to practice our singing skills too.

Louise: I enjoyed learning this week about the USA and how it was first founded. The British people didn’t know America existed and actually thought if you sailed too far in 1492 you would fall off the end of the world!

Who has impressed?

Sam: The school football team impressed me by putting up a good match against Boghall, even though they lost they did well.

Rabeea: Mr Berginis impressed me by doing well in the Street Dance even though he fell over!

Fraser: Nicky has impressed me by doing so well in his writing this week.

Louise: Christopher A has impressed me by being voted as one of the JETs. I was voted as the other one.

Sophie M: Tom has impressed me by getting pupil of the week and for being a good teammate.

Rebecca: Freya has impressed me by writing a brilliant biography about Sally Salt!

Emma: I hope everybody has a great weekend!

One thought on “PROFILE WEEK IN p7b”

  1. You highlights include lots of new sporting experiences. It even sounds as though Mr Berginis has been learning some new skills following his Ant and Dec performance last session!
    I am pleased you enjoyed your visit from Mr Ross to finish off your USA theme.

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