Money Fun! P4g

This week we for story writing we had free choice and got to make up our own story. It was fun having the freedom to choose our own titles. We had the choice of personal, imaginative and functional writing.

On Thursday we did problem solving related to money week. In our trios we had to find at least 10 ways of making up money totals e.g. 10 ways to make up 67p using 1p, 2p, 5p, 10, 20p and 50p coins. It was easy at first but hard to find the 8th, 9th and 10th way as we were running out of options!

We went to judo and had lots of fun. The instructor was really funny! Ramsay brought in his Judo medals to share as he goes to the same judo club. Well done Ramsay!

On Wednesday at art time we made clay fish. We learned to sculpt and imprint patterns. Next week we are looking forward to painting them once they have set.

At gym this week we learnt more about handball in preparation for the handball festival next Wednesday. It was really, really fun!

Lastly, we were testing lots of different solids’s solubility in science this week. Solubility means it dissolves and disappears in water. We learned that stirring and using hot water speeds up this process. We learned a new word; hypothesis, it means tohave a guess/predict. We discovered that sugar, salt, flour and certain medicine tablets are soluble. This linked in with Alexander Flemming inventing penicillin, very interesting!


This week’s special person is……. Cameron Muir because:

  • He is my bestest friend in the world (Scott)
  • He is really helpful
  • He gives really really really really tight hugs
  • He is really funny
  • He works hard
  • He is nice to talk to
  • He is kind
  • He is beautiful
  • He likes having a laugh
  • He is a cool dude!
  • He likes to play nicely with everyone
  • He is very laid back
  • He is a clever boy
  • He is crazy (Cameron agrees!)
  • He is very sporty and is good at sport
  • He is very thoughtful
  • He is a cheeky monkey (Cameron also agrees!)

We had a very fun week!!!

Annie and Madeleine

2 thoughts on “Money Fun! P4g”

  1. Hi Primary 4g,

    I really enjoy reading your blog every week as it shows what fantastic learning is taking place in your class. I also really enjoy reading the lovely things you say about the special person. I’m sure Cameron feels really special this week with all of the wonderful things you have said about him. I would love to read some of your stories. Could some of you bring some up to show me next week?

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Wow! What a fun week that was, full of learning too. It must have been great fun to make the clay fish and we can’t wait to see them. We hope you all enjoy the handball festival 🙂

    Margaret & Gordon Hendry

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