Judo in P3

This week we were lucky even to have a Judo taster session.  We all got to wear a special judo jacket, before we tried lots of different judo moves with our partner.  We all had lots of fun!  Thank you to everyone for organising this.

I liked doing the judo throw – Archie & Callum

It is a fun way to keep fit – Noah

I liked playing the different games because it was fun – Lewis

I thought the ‘bear hug’ was the best bit – Cameron R

It was tricky trying to block people – Amber

I liked the game when you had to get your partner out of the mat! – Harry

Kameron would like to know when we will get to do it again as it was fun…..

3 thoughts on “Judo in P3”

  1. Hi Primary 3h,

    Your judo pictures show you having lots of fun and it sounds like you really all enjoyed it. Maybe some of you will take up judo in the future.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Judo was great fun. It was good learning all the moves and everyone really enjoyed it.
    See you all on Monday..!

    Noah. xx

  3. I loved doing Judo in P.E.on Wednesday,it was great fun learning all the different games. My favourite move was the bear hug.

    Cameron Denis Reay

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