
We can’t believe it’s Friday again! What a busy week we’ve had.

In Maths we have been working hard to speed up our recall of the times tables. We use loop cards for this and time ourselves and already we are one minute faster than we were on Monday. Our place value activities this week have focussed on identifying the value of a digit within a number. We palyed a really fun game to help us learn this. Sorry we forgot to take a photo !!!

We continued our writing this week developing the setting in our story. Carter read out his story and it turns out it’s a bit of a thriller. He had the whole class on the edge of their seat! It was clear that Carter’s chioce of words to describe the setting and atmosphere worked well.

Awards –

Mr Jeffires MVP in P.E. was Teigan Ross.

Table of the week – The Minions.

Our week –

Lily – I like the loop cards game, especially timimg ourselves because we know we are getting better and better.

Jamie N- The place value game was really fun. I was a digit !

Sam – Loop cards were my favourite part of the week.

Carter – My favourite part of the week was working with Mrs McClafferty to make pictures of the Big Bang. We used differnt chalks and smudged it then we splattered paint over it to look like the Big Bang.

This a a small selection of our work.

Ray – I like that we are learning new Scottish songs. This week we are learning Billy Connelly’s song about wellies. When we learn a new song we get to add it to the music wall.

7 thoughts on “P5d”

  1. Hi Primary 5d,

    WOW! What a busy week you have all had. Cater’s thriller sounds very interesting and I would love to read it. Could Carter bring his story to show me next week? The wellie song is a brilliant song to learn and it sounds like you have been having great fun learning it.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. P5d, I’m very impressed by your improved time with your mental maths loop cards – I hope everyone is practising at home also! Carter’s story sounds fantastic – like Miss Henderson, I would love to read it!
    I love Billy Connolly’s song – could I come and join in one day?
    Keep up the hard work.

  3. Hi Primary 5d,

    Carter’s story was fab:). I’m so impressed with the detail he added to the story. I’m looking forward to seeing a lot more of your brilliant writing this session everyone.

    Miss Henderson

  4. Carter your story is amazing and I can\\\\\\\’t wait to hear all the other ones.I love the songs too.I agree with you carter I loved the big bang thing too.

  5. The highlight of my week has to be playing the loop cards game because I found it really challenging and it was great fun.

  6. I personally loved the loop card game and all the scottish songs we have been learning about and carters story was fab,I was definitely on the edge of my seat!

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