Lots of Fun in Class 1

We had lots of fun in the sensory room this week.  We discovered that some colours glow in the dark.  We played with neon balloons, glow sticks and fairy wands.  When we switched off the light and turned on the neon light we discovered lots of glow in the dark materials.  Our teeth were even glowing! 

We have been working hard at maths time.  Jayden and Cameron like to use their froggy friend to help them with addition using a number line.  We have been adding our money, making sure that we have enough to buy the things that we want from our class shop.

We have been learning how to work as part of a team in class and at P.E.   Joe and Lewis worked well together to complete the Fireman Sam jigsaw!  The adults were very proud as it was a tricky 50 piece jigsaw.   The boys were pleased with their achievement.

Well done to Cameron who was given a medal for doing well at his Judo club!  We enjoyed looking at and learning about Cameron’s medal.  Look out for Cameron’s picture on the achievement display!

5 thoughts on “Lots of Fun in Class 1”

  1. Hi Class 1,

    The pictures on your post are great and show all of the great learning you have been doing in Class 1 this week. The sensory room activities sound like great fun. Congratulations to Cameron on getting a medal at Judo. Keep up the good work, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Wow! The sensory room looks very exciting in your pictures.
    That does look like a rather tricky jigsaw Lewis and Joe. Well done for working together to complete it.
    Congratulations Cameron. I’m so pleased you brought your medal in to show us.

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