P6a – Constellation Designers

This week in P6a we have been learning more about the stories of the skies and how to spot constellations. We are so good at this that Miss Anderson challenged us to design our own constellations and write our own stories to explain these constellations. We all wrote a different story.

Taylor’s story was about a giraffe that had a neck that grew so long that his head ended up in space.

Ellie’s story was about a shark that was different and wanted to visit space.

Adam’s story was about a cat that wanted to go to space. A dog chased the cat and the cat ended up in space.

Callum’s story was about a dog and a human that went to space and got super powers.

Kai’s story was about a dinosaur that had a fight.

In maths this week we have been continuing to learn about fractions and multiplication.

Taylor – I find my times table work quite easy as I know the quick way to do the 9 times table.

Ellie – I thought that the 2 times table was easy.

Adam – I thought that maths was easy and I liked it as I now understand fractions a bit more.

Callum – I think fractions are easy after a few weeks as we do more work on fractions.

We have also been working on our assembly songs and writing our scripts.

Taylor – We had fun writing scripts whilst sitting on the comfy couch.

Ellie – I found the songs fun, particularly Variations in Space.

Adam – I quite liked singing because the songs are catchy.

Callum – The songs are really good.


The class have been getting on better in the playground and have been playing football sensibly. Callum thinks that the new rota is good and leads to less disagreements.

We also think that the playground is getting tidier – it is everyone’s job to keep it tidy!

Quite a few of us received our new instruments – how exciting!

Finally, we all enjoyed the coffee morning this morning!

Miss Anderson and P6a (and in particular the Mars Mallow Mountains) 😀

2 thoughts on “P6a – Constellation Designers”

  1. Wow, what alot has been going on in P6a this week. I really enjoyed reading your constellation stories – I always get confused as to which one is which! I’m pleased the playground is looking much tidier after my ‘little moan’ earlier this week – let’s hope everyone keeps it up! 🙂

  2. I did enjoy getting my clarinet. I also loved the songs I thought the songs were catchy, well I guess I just enjoy ALL of p6a ecpiecally my teacher. 😛

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