Onesie Walk

Health and Wellbeing

Class 1 had great fun taking part in the onesie walk!  We all looked great in our pyjamas and onesies! After the onesie walk we had a teddy bears picnic with our friends from class 2 and 3.


Art and Design

This week we had fun creating collage art work with Miss Cameron.  We each chose an animal and created a collage of animal eyes, by tearing, cutting and sticking different materials.  We are going to put the eyes on the inside walls of our dark den and use a torch to find them!

Literacy and English

We had a special visit from Mrs Stewart on Thursday morning.  We enjoyed reading to Mrs Stewart and telling her all about our reading books.   We have been using clues from the pictures and text to predict the hidden words and suggest alternatives that would also make sense.   We were great at the ‘find and colour’ activity.  We looked carefully at the pictures in our book, to make sure that we were using the correct colours.  Mrs Stewart was so impressed with our reading!

6 thoughts on “Onesie Walk”

  1. I’m glad you enjoyed the onesie walk and our teddy bears’ picnic. I did too!
    I was very impressed during my visit to class 1 on Thursday. It was clear that you have all been trying very hard at reading time and that you have all been busy reading at home too. Keep up the good work!

  2. I was warm in my onesie. Joe
    When I took my hood down, I was cold. Cameron
    I was cold. Jayden.
    I was nice and cosy in my onesie! Miss Barrie

  3. I was warm in my onesie. Joe
    When I took my hood down, I was cold. Cameron
    I was cold. Jayden.
    I was nice and cosy in my onesie! Miss Barrie

  4. Hi Class 1,

    I really enjoyed wearing my onesie at school last Friday as it was like having my pyjamas on at school. It made me feel very sleepy having it on at a school as it was so comfortable:)

    Miss Henderson

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