Class 3 explore space!

This week Class 3 have been doing lots of activities related to their Space topic. On Wednesday each of the boys used the internet to do some  research. Cary found out about the moon, Josh researched the sun and Nathan learned more about the Earth.

Facts we discovered:

The moon is the only natural satellite of the earth.

The sun was formed around 4.6 billion years ago.

Earth’s innercore spins in an eastward direction, opposite to the outer core.

We also made a layered poster showing the relationship between days, months and years.

JoshI made the middle bit. It’s all about days. There are 24 hours in a day, 7 days makes a week, and 1 spin of the Earth makes night and day.

The next layer was made by Nathan who recorded some information about months. Cary had the biggest piece of paper and his job was to find out about  years.

We also did some space themed activities at PE. We played a game called Moon Rocks where Mr Jeffries challenged us to collect ‘space rocks’.We had to work  together as a team to do this. We managed to get 3 but unfortunately another one disintegrated and disappeared into a black hole! Hopefully we can try this again next time and get even more rocks!

6 thoughts on “Class 3 explore space!”

  1. What fantastic facts you have already found out during your Space topic, Class 3.
    You game in PE sounds like great fun – remember to keep working together as a team.

    Keep it up!

  2. It’s great to see you working as a team boys. I loved the space mission Mr Jeffries set on Friday as it challenged both our brains and bodies. I hope you are enjoying our space topic as much as I am.

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