P3/2 Needs or Wants Activity

In groups, using a set of 20 cards, we had to decide which was a need or want.   These included things like, clothes in the latest style, a tv, fast food, playgrounds and recreation, clean water and money to spend as you like.

We each had a role in our group, such as resource manager, reporter or time keeper. 

We had an interesting discussion at the end about where some of the cards belonged because not all groups had the same ideas.

Below are some photos of us working together in our groups. 


3 thoughts on “P3/2 Needs or Wants Activity”

  1. Hi Primary 3/2,

    The pictures you have posted of you working as a team are fab and you all look like you are concentrating very hard on getting the wants and needs into the correct places. Keep up the good work.

    Miss Henderson

  2. What a good idea! We might try this at home, especially when Cameron and Skye are looking at the Argos book or watching toy adverts in TV!!

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