How time flies in P1l

The first full week in primary 1 and no one fell asleep!  P1l have had a super first full week in school and everyone has coped really well.

The children have started to learn their sounds and this week we looked at m and c paying particular attention to how they make the sound with their mouth.  We use our lips for m so it is a red sound and the back of our mouth for c so it is yellow.

On Tuesday we looked at why we come to school and the children worked really well together thinking by themselves, then with a partner and finally sharing their ideas.  Lots of ideas came through but my two favourites were:

‘Becasue we get too big for Nursery so they have to build a school.’

‘So we can learn to read so that when we have our own boys and girls we can read them stories.’

On Wednesday we had Mrs Spence and we made some monsters for our ‘Monster Maths’ and owls for our ‘Tree of Knowledge.

On Thursday it was a big day getting our first reading book and l have heard a few very proud children talking about their reading and great claims of “I can read now”.

A wee reminder that reading books and reading records are to come to school everyday please.

Have a great weekend.

Bye Mrs Leamy

4 thoughts on “How time flies in P1l”

  1. Hi Mrs Leamy & P1l,

    I’m glad you all enjoyed your first week at Balbardie and that you all managed to stay awake!


    Miss Anderson

  2. Hi Primary 1l,

    I’m so impressed that you coped really well with your first full week in school. I was very pleased to see how well you are doing in your class when I was in on Thursday. You all know the rules and routines of your class really well. I enjoyed counting the ladybirds in the big ladybird bag with some of the boys and was very impressed with your counting skills.

    Well done everybody. Keep up the good work.

    Miss Henderson

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