Assembly 6th September Child Protection and Rights

Today during assembly we have talked about keeping safe and our rights. It is important that you tell a trusted adult if you have a worry or concern. We looked at internet safety and keeping yourself safe online. We also spoke about our rights in school and in particular the right to education. Have you found the facts about the number of children currently not in school? Post your answer.

4 thoughts on “Assembly 6th September Child Protection and Rights”

  1. Hi Primary 6a,

    WOW! That is a phenomenal amount of children who don’t have the right to an education in the world. Lets hope that this number will get smaller over the next few years.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Your number of children not enjoying their right to education is even higher than I had read online. Do 6a have ideas on how we as a Rights Respecting School could help other schools in dveloping countries do more for their pupils?

    I know you are a creative bunch – I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.

    Mrs Spence

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