Week 2 in P4g

Primary 4g…

In maths this week we have been learning about 3D shapes! This included shape properties such as vertices, edges and faces. We made 3D shapes out of art straws and also made them with paper from their nets.

In story writing, we have been writing an imaginative story called ‘The Cottage in the Woods’. We draw a mind map to plan our stories.

In art, we drew a portrait of a friend learning how to draw a face in proportion. We then made a speech bubble about our rights and actions to stick on the mouths to make our Class Charter.

In the creative area we made lots of things! The best one was when we glued down something like a star in the outline and put glitter on it and you had a glitter picture. Miss Goff said there was more glitter on us and the floor than there was on our picture!

Our Class Novel this term is ‘Georges Marvellous Medicine’. Our class loves the book. His grandma is funny!

This week’s Special Person is Annie because:

  • She is astonishing
  • She is kind
  • She is nice and beautiful
  • She is a lovely friend
  • She is very helpful
  • She is always having a laugh with you
  • She always lets people play
  • She is my superhero (Olivia)
  • She is a star!
  • She is funny
  • She looks like a movie star
  • She always helps others with their work
  • She helps with arguments
  • She helps people solve their problems
  • She is awesome
  • She isn’t fussy
  • She always thinks of others feelings!

Have a lovely weekend!

Lucy and Roan

7 thoughts on “Week 2 in P4g”

  1. P4g,

    You are about to read one of my favourite Roald Dahl’s novels – I am really looking forward to hearing about your favourite characters and events!

    What lovely qualities you have all recognised in Annie.

    Keep up the excellent start you have had with Miss Goff.

  2. Hi Primary 4g,

    What a lovely start you have had to P4 and the creative area sounds like great fun:). I too love George’s Marvellous Medicine. I’ve got Geordie’s Mingin’ Medicine at home which is George’s Marvellous Medicine in Scots. Ill try and look it out and bring it in for you to have in your class library.

    I love all of the lovely things you have said about Annie.

    Keep up the good work.

    Miss Henderson

  3. Hello all in 4g!

    I love how you have used your blog post to list all the special things about Annie. She must be delighted to be reading them here. I’d like to see the glittery things you’ve been busy making in the creative corner the next time I’m visiting your classroom and perhaps someone could show me their writing about the cottage in the woods too.

    Hope you’re having a good start to the week,

    Mrs Spence

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