Our Week in Primary 2e

We have had a great week in primary 2e. We have all been working very hard and are settling in to the school routine. This week we started our topic called Houses and Homes. We have been learning about different types of houses. We also read the story of the Three Little Pigs and decided to build our own houses. We used lots of different materials and used a fan to see whether or not they would blow down. Most of the houses managed to stay up!

We have also been learning about characters in stories and we read a story called the Gruffalo. It was very funny when Reece dressed up as the Gruffalo!

Let’s hear from the kids:

Rachel and Lucy: We were very proud to win table of the week last week and are going to keep trying hard to win buttons for our table!

Charlie: We have been having lots of fun this week and I have learned lots of things. I really like Golden Time too!

3 thoughts on “Our Week in Primary 2e”

  1. Hi Primary 2e,

    I am so pleased to hear that you are continuing to enjoy being in P2. Your Three Little Pigs experiment sounds like great fun and I’m pleased most of your houses stayed up! I love the Gruffalo story and would have loved to see Reece dressed up as the Gruffalo:). Keep up the good work.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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