Primary 2/1 Highlights

We can’t believe that it’s the end of the school year already!  Here are some of our highlights from our time in Primary 2/1.

‘I loved doing number work because it’s been really fun!’ Abbie and James

‘I like painting in class.’ Ellis

‘I like drawing.’ Logan

‘Having my little sister at school.’ Tom

‘I loved going to Beecraigs.’ Demi-Leigh (Everyone agreed with this!)

‘I liked getting my certificates.’ Mya

‘I was proud of Abbie in Stars in Their Eyes.’ Charlie

‘I like writing stories.’ Eva and Olivia

‘I liked following the clues for The Magic Key and posting the letters home.’ Rhuan

‘We liked meeting all of the girls and boys and watching them learn!’ Mrs Mooney and Mrs Reilly

Thank you to all of the children for their hard work and enthusiasm this year, and thank you to all of the parents for your support.  Have a great summer everyone!

One thought on “Primary 2/1 Highlights”

  1. Hi P2/1,

    You really have had a very busy year with lots of fun things happening. I’m so proud of how hard working you have all been this year.

    Have a lovely summer holiday.

    Miss Henderson

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