This week in P2pg

This week we have been building our Eco Houses in class.  We remembered all the things that make a house Eco friendly and put some of these ideas into our houses.  We drew and made roof gardens for vegetables, showers instead of baths, solar panels and made lots of windows to conserve energy in the home.  Drew low flush toilets, composting toilets, rainwater barrels and compost heaps.  They were great Eco Houses!

In our writing we have been creating stories about the Mountain that appeared at the bottom of our gardens.  These were great and we like writing imaginitive stories, so much so that some of us are now writing our own little books and sharing these as Show and Tell.

We continued learning about Friendships through stories.  We listened to Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper and found out about our feelings when we get upset and fall out with friends.  We also started to make a ‘friendship mat’ which we can use to when we are trying to work out problems with others.

Well done P2pg for another good week.

One thought on “This week in P2pg”

  1. Hi Primary 2pg,

    Your Eco Houses sound vey interesting. Ill pop in and see them next week and you can show them to me. I like that you are using your writing skills to make your own books to share at show and tell. The Friendship Mat sounds like a great idea.

    Keep up the good work. Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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