P7b visited Bathgate Academy!


This week p7s visited Bathgate Academy for two days on Wednesday and Thursday as preparation for after the summer. Here are some of their thoughts…

Ramie: “I enjoyed the cafeteria because the hot dogs and donuts were really nice!”

Adrian: “In maths we had a teacher who could predict our numbers even though we hid them in sums.”

Abbie Madd.: “Science was great because we got to set our hand on fire! We dipped our hand in bubbly water so that the fire couldn’t harm us though.”

Sian: “I did my clarinet exam up at the high school and I’m proud of myself because I was very nervous before it. I get the results in two weeks.”

Dylan: “I liked science because we got to make custard bouncy balls and we learned about bunsen burners and how to stay safe.”

Ross: “In art we designed our names in graffiti style, it was fun.”

Ali: “We also learned how to do perspective drawing in the art class.”

Rhona: “I enjoyed CDT because we made little candle holders out of hardwood.”

Murray: “Music was really good and we were playing a South American song on the keyboards.”

Nathan: “I enjoyed science because we added hydrogen to the flames and made it pop!”

Kirstie: “Home Economics was good and I enjoyed making fairy cakes.”

Aisha: “Also in science we managed to suck an egg through the neck of a beaker using heat. It was cool!”

Amber: “I enjoyed the art lesson because we did still life drawings of plants.”

One thought on “P7b visited Bathgate Academy!”

  1. I’m so pleased you all thoroughly enjoyed your visit to the Academy. It sounds as though you all had an excellent experience – I can’t believe it’s that time of year already!

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