Primary 2/1 had fun in the sun!

Wow! What an amazing day we all had at Beecraigs…

First of all the ranger took us into the woods to look for Scottish Wildlife.  We were animal detectives and found rabbits, hedgehogs, moles, badgers and bats (all cuddly animals that were hidden in their homes).  We learned that a squirrel lives in a drey, a rabbit lives in a warren and a badger lives in a sett.  The ranger was very impressed when we told her that animals that come out at night are called nocturnal.

We swirled our nets in the water...

Then we had nets and we went pond dipping.  We used a chart to help us identify the pond animals that we found.  Our favourite was the tadpoles but we weren’t so keen on the leeches.

Ellis caught lots of tadpoles!

The sun shone on us as we ate our picnics and watched the mummy duck with her eleven ducklings swim past on the pond.

James climbed to the highest point!

In the afternoon we all had lots of fun playing in the play park.  Some of us were very brave and tried the flying fox and some of us even climbed the giant web! 

All of the boys and girls would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Stewart, Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Little for coming with us.  We hope you had a fun day too!

One thought on “Primary 2/1 had fun in the sun!”

  1. Hi Primary 2/1,

    Your trip to Beecraigs sounds like brilliant fun:). I’m so pleased that the sun was shining for the whole day which meant you could really make the most of being outdoors. The pictures are fantastic. If don’t think I would have tried the Flying Fox or tried to climb the Spider’s Web so well done to everyone who attempted it.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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