How Does a Fish Get to School?


Lewis told us all about his weekend adventures with Mr Bear!  We listened carefully to Lewis as he explained his news.  Lewis and his mum created a wonderful DVD for us to watch in class.  It was so much fun to watch and the boys enjoyed joining in with the backing track ‘Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear’.  It is now Jayden’s turn to take Mr Bear home.  We can’t wait to hear all about Mr Bear’s holiday at Jayden’s house.

This week we have been learning about animals that live in water.  We each chose an animal and wrote some interesting facts about it.  We included facts in our explanation and drew beautiful, detailed pictures to support our writing.  Cody carried out some research of his own.  He found out that if a starfish loses a limb, it can grow back again!  We also learned that starfish have sea water in their bodies instead of blood. 

Cody told the boys in class 1 a great joke!  ‘How Does a Fish Get to School?’  Have a guess at Cody’s joke and he will write the answer on the blog next week! 


We enjoyed watching clips from the Blue Planet DVD.  We spotted lots of different animals that live under water such as sharks, whales, dolphins and tuna fish.  We are going to taste tuna fish at snack time next week.  The boys in class 1 experimented with a range of percussion instruments to recreate sounds of the ocean, like the crashing waves.  Joe and Cameron used the castanets to represent the crabs.  We learned that crabs walk sideways, and we even did a funny dance and pretended to be crabs!   We used the tambourine to create some scary sound effects.  We tapped on the tambourine head very slowly, gradually getting faster, and faster and faster!  We thought this sounded like a shark coming!  Cody thought it sounded like a giant puffer fish.  Cody loved shaking the maracas, “That would be like when the octopus is coming!” 


Mr Marsden taught us a new song this week, ‘I’m a Little Penguin’ (tune of I’m a Little Teapot).  It goes like this:

I’m a little penguin

Black and white,

I waddle to the left and I waddle to the right.

I cannot fly but I can swim,

So I waddle to the water and JUMP RIGHT IN!

Finally, a big congratulations to Cameron!  We were so happy to find out that Cameron has been selected as a winner for the Young Writer of the Year competition.  We have been learning about holidays and had great fun creating our own Balbardie Camp Site in class 1.  Cameron enjoyed visitng the sensory room when it was transformed into a campsite and wrote a wonderful senses poem based on his experiences.   We then typed the poem and Cameron selected his own font, colours and graphics.  We are so pleased that Cameron’s hard work has paid off!  Cody was such a great friend and said ‘Congratulations Cameron!’ when he found out the good news.

3 thoughts on “How Does a Fish Get to School?”

  1. I have tried really hard to think of the answer to Cody’s joke but I’m a little bit stuck. I will have to check the blog later in the week.
    Well done Cameron. I have read your poem and I think it is fantastic too.

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